Here are the basics of S/HE journal formatting details. This can be modified upon agreement between copy-editors and the publisher. Refer to the Word version of the previous final manuscript for all other details.

=Book size: 6×9 inches
=Paper Titles (size 14, centered, sentence case). “Title” and “Author” centered with 1 line break (14 font size) between them

=Subtitles (Size 12, left aligned, bolded, sentence case). If there is a subtitle head, make it size 12, centered, bolded, upper case. See the published issue for details or below.

=Font sizes and alignments: Body (12, justified), Bibliography/References (12, left aligned), Footnotes (10, left aligned), captions (10, centered)

=Sentence spaces: single

=Curved double and single quotation marks
=Page numbers on the bottom center

=Indent: 0.5 inch for new paragraphs and quotes
=Footnotes: numbered from 1, 2, 3.. for each article
=Line spacing (1, Linespacing Options shown below)

=No underline in hyperlinks. No need to delink or change colors (blue or faded purple are Okay)

Below is an example of a subtitle and its subsequent heading format:

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