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Process of Preparation and Publication for Authors
Contact Francesca Tronetti, Ph.D. (ftronetti@gmail.com) and Mary Ann Beavis (mbeavis@stmcollege.ca) for inquiries.
Call for Papers, Book Reviews, and Art/Poetry (Open for the next issue)
S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies
Preliminary ISSN 2693-9363
Papers: S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies is a web-based open-access double blind peer reviewed international scholarly journal published by Mago Books. The journal is committed to the academic exploration, analysis, and interpretation of Goddesses and the Female Divine from a range of disciplinary perspectives. Papers are welcomed on Goddesses and the Female Divine from all religions, traditions, and cultures, ancient, historical, or contemporary (see Instructions for Submissions). The journal is a forum for the publication of feminist scholarship in Goddess Studies and for discussion, comparison and dialogue among scholars of differing feminist perspectives.
The journal will be published semi-annually and papers to be reviewed are welcomed on a continuing basis. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. Publication deadlines are determined by the number of accepted papers.
Submissions must be in English, original, and should not have been published previously or under consideration for publication while being considered for this journal.
Book Reviews: S/HE is accepting reviews of scholarly books in the field of Goddess Studies (see Instructions for Submissions). Books must have been published approximately within the last 3 years. Authors may solicit book reviews of recent publications from qualified arm’s-length reviewers. At this time, authors are asked to provide copies of their relevant publications in electronic form; likewise, publishers may submit books for review in electronic form. Book reviews stand independently. If authors or publishers intend to influence the review, the review proposal of the book may be refused or cancelled. Submission needs to be emailed to our Book Review Editor, Louis Lagana, Ph.D. (louis.lagana@um.edu.mt).
Art/Poetry: We are accepting artworks, poems, and prose pieces, which are previously unpublished.
For any additional questions please email co-editors, contact Francesca Tronetti, Ph.D. (ftronetti@gmail.com), Helen Benigni (benignih@dewv.edu) and Mary Ann Beavis, Ph.D. (mbeavis@stmcollege.ca) for inquiries.
If you prefer using Mago Books’ editorial service for the Chicago Manual of styles, please request it upon submission of your paper. The fee we offer is $40-45 per hour.
We look forward to your submissions.
Go to Subscription for Individuals and Institutions here.
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